Friday, March 13, 2015

A Little Bit about the Little House

I looked up the Appraisal from 1998 and found the following information about our Little our Big Woods.

The Little House was built in 1982.
The house currently measures 20X26 downstairs with a half story upstairs.
According to the appraisal the downstairs has 520 square feet and the upstairs has 312 square feet.

Part of the remodel will consist of changing the bathroom.  

It really does need a face lift and has for a long time.  

A huge part of the remodel will be the addition on the north side.  This will add space for a 'real' functioning kitchen.  I will add that I have made this one do since 1996.

Your eyes do not deceive you, that is the whole kitchen.

Here it is from the back entry.

And a view from the 'dining' area.

You might be saying that this is a small space and you are quite right.  We love our Little House.
But I really am tired of brown.  The brown Zbrick, the dark brown cupboards, the pretty ugly wall paper and the brown brown brown ugly ugly flooring.

I'll refer back to these photos later as things change.  But you just have to agree we do live in a beautiful spot.

We are secluded and enjoy our privacy.

I've been sorting and tossing stuff I have in the kitchen and it is amazing the amount of 'stuff' that a person has and doesn't use.  So this process of the remodel is also consisting of me going through all parts of the house and doing a serious sorting job.

I bought some large plastic tubs with lids to move things into during the process. Since I've never gone through an actual remodel before, I'm not sure exactly what to expect.

However I will say that Kurt & Jesse [Crooked Creek Construction, LLC] have been very good at helping me visualize what will happen as we go along.

I need to take some photos from the north side of the house so you can see what it looks like currently.  

I'll be doing that for my next update.


  1. That IS one tiny kitchen ... even smaller than mine, I think! I'm excited for you!

    1. Indeed it is little but it isn't that bad. Heck, I've used it since 1996!

  2. Hey, aren't the mule/horse in the last picture in Fred's pasture?!
