Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Things to keep in mind

There are some things to keep in mind during a remodel. 
Kurt told me that we would experience some 'inconvenience', he told us this when bidding the house project.  So there will be no surprise as far as that is concerned.

I've had a year to think about how to make things move along more smoothly. I've also found out that 90% of what I have packed away last winter has not been needed around the house.  Hmmmm. Time to clear out some of that?

I made good use of the dumpster this past two weeks.  Out went 'stuff' that I hadn't used or looked at in a long time.  I think remodeling is a good time to review the 'crap' that has been collected for 20 years and clean house of clutter.

Even after the clutter is cleaned up, there is more clutter. It seems to have a life of its own.  I think it self generates. Is there self pollinating clutter? Do they have baby clutters? Or does clutter just sprout?
I don't know. Maybe they make a spray to kill the clutter seeds.
If not, I should invent it.

After the remodel though, I'll have more space to clutter and more areas to put stuff.  I wonder how long it will take for us to clutter it up? I would like to leave the kitchen counter sleek and nearly empty.  I would like to have things stored in an orderly fashion.

Next thought.
The kitchen project.
All the stuff will have to be removed from the kitchen.

I think I am prepared to toss my canned goods, and boxed goods into a bin and move it to the tiny living room. However the huge table and the other stuff that is in the small kitchen/dining area will have to be moved too.

So, I've been keeping the groceries at a minimum so that has meant more trips to town. Meals are now getting planned on the spur of the moment.

I wonder if I should just put all of our stuff on the porch once the concrete is put in.  

I am so glad that the construction crew is so helpful.  They are able to work around the tight spaces and accommodate us. Kudos to them.


  1. What pretty house you'll have! I love the pictures! (I'm one of the old Happy Hoofers Trail Riders My screen name was Trotter.)

  2. What pretty house you'll have! I love the pictures! (I'm one of the old Happy Hoofers Trail Riders My screen name was Trotter.)
